
Team ADL | Team Justice

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We increase the inclusive culture of leadership in schools and colleges

TeamADL the Lego of Leadership


Sometimes the best relationships, just start by saying hello :-)
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Headlines for 2024-25

Award-winning TeamADL is continuously developing innovative solutions for Leaders in Education to be inclusive, effective and impactful ... it's our IEI strategy!

Click the images below to findout more!

Can you afford not to?

Why choose us

We are a community interest company that is intentional about what we deliver, why and how. ADL stands for 'justice' in Arabic. 

Our values

We Care

We Challenge

We contribute

Our Mission

Developing people

Growing organisations

Transforming localities

Our vision

Everyone thriving in education, employment and life.

What makes us different?

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We are committed to giving back, let us share two of the many ways we do this:

TeamADL Global Ambassadors

These are individuals of character who are committed to sharing the TeamADL vision and mission in their respective locations and regions.
Mohammed Sadeck Boulahya
I have observed with great interest the work that TeamADL is doing globally to change and improve approaches to supporting special educational needs, disability and inclusion (SENDi).  As a grandparent of a child who is Autistic, this matters to me. 
France - Africa - Middle East
My remit will be to act as a reference point for TeamADL in these three areas.  There is much work to do and together with localised solutions, we can make inclusion a reality for all., especially the Next Generation. 

A few celebratory milestones ...

How agile are we?

The range of what we do

Do get in touch to see how we can best serve you!
What should I look out for?

A few quick clicks

We are committed to a 360 perspective that scopes both depth and breadth.

A sample of what's on offer

  • Teacher Development

    We believe in investing in people

  • Leader Development 

    We are intentional about leadership

  • SENCO Wellbeing

    We have invested since 2009 in the wellbeing of SENCOs

  • Careers for CYP with SEND 

    We believe everyone has something to contribute

  • SEND Advocates & the Review Portal

    We recognise all have a responsibility to support SEND

  • SEND Leaders' Appreciation Day

    We know appreciation serves to enhance the sector

  • Accredited Training

    We recognise updating skills and knowledge is a key part of recruitment and retention

  • TeamADL Blog Suite

    We provoke and promote thought-leadership at all levels